slideshare ppt on research

Monday, 12 August 2013

Research about various neglect towards childern

1. Medical neglect – this involves carers minimizing or denying children’s illness or health needs, and failing to seek appropriate medical attention or administer medication and treatments.

2. Nutritional neglect – this typically involves a child being provided with inadequate calories for normal growth. This form of neglect is sometimes associated with ‘failure to thrive’, in which a child fails to develop physically as well as psychologically. However, failure to thrive can occur for other reasons, independent of neglect. More recently, childhood obesity resulting from an unhealthy diet and lack of exercise has been considered as a form of neglect, given itsserious long-term consequences.

3. Emotional neglect – this involves a carer being unresponsive to a child’s basic emotional needs, including failing to interact or provide affection, and failing to develop a child’s self-esteem and sense of identity. Some authors distinguish it from emotional abuse by the
intention of the parent.

4. Educational neglect – this involves a carer failing to provide a
stimulating environment, show an interest in the child’s education at
school, support their learning, or respond to any special needs, as
well as failing to complying with state requirements regarding school

5. Physical neglect – this involves not providing appropriate clothing,
food, cleanliness and living conditions. It can be difficult to assess
due to the need to distinguish neglect from deprivation, and because
of individual judgements about what constitutes standards of
appropriate physical care.

6. Lack of supervision and guidance – this involves a failure to provide
an adequate level of guidance and supervision to ensure a child is
physically safe and protected from harm. It may involve leaving a
child to cope alone, abandoning them or leaving them with
inappropriate carers, or failing to provide appropriate boundaries
about behaviors such as under-age sex or alcohol use. It can affect
children of all ages.

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