slideshare ppt on research

Wednesday, 14 August 2013

Teaching and learning from master's

Master's degrees may be delivered through a variety of methods of learning and most will combine different methods. Traditionally, providers have distinguished between master's degrees that are awarded on the basis of an independent, though supervised, research project undertaken by the student and those for which structured learning contributes the majority of the material to be assessed. However, any master's degree may draw upon a combination of methods of delivery as appropriate to the programme's overall aims. 

Some such programmes may be designed and delivered through a partnership arrangement between a higher education provider and an employer.All master's programmes will normally be supported by an integrated teaching, learning and assessment strategy that demonstrates the appropriateness of the learning, teaching and assessment methods used in relation to the intended learning outcomes being developed.
The particular teaching and learning methods to be used will be identified in individual
programme documentation, such as a programme specification (see footnote 1 in the
Preface). The most appropriate method or combination of methods will be a matter
for individual providers to decide. Methods might include all or any of the following,
selected as appropriate to the discipline or field of study and the programme's aims,
mode of delivery and typical entrants:

4.practical work, for example in a laboratory, in the field, workshop or studio the use of 5.textbooks, journal papers, electronic databases and other self-study and
6.e-learning materials

7.project work
8.practice sessions and learning through case studies learning.

Bachelor's degrees with honours, the guidance on teaching and learning may also be
helpful to those dealing with master's degrees, although master's degree programmes

will typically feature a greater emphasis on methods involving independent study
towards a dissertation or other project-based work.

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