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Thursday, 12 September 2013

Convention use in research paper to make it effective.

Some conventions appear periodically throughout the text to provide insight into important aspects.These conventions with their meanings are:

  • Highlights the interesting points.
  • Indicates some typical queries, which might arise in the mind of readers.
  • Offer a glance at the key points of the topic where the text is lengthy, or when a comparative study is to carried out.
  • Some different sets of solved problems suppose a name "explore more".
  • Notabilia should be used.

Note : Notabilia is an old English word which means "things worthy of notice". When we start writing the research paper we thought of putting some additional and important information under the head of 'info box". However it was creditable on the part of our editor to come up with a word that was not only catchy but also went along completely and exactly with the contents. We overwhelmingly accept this beautiful change. 

Saturday, 7 September 2013

A Better Measure of Skills Gaps

Decision makers are measuring skills when managing change and capturing value in the
process. They are recognizing the value of metrics for fueling improvement. What gets measured gets managed, and what gets managed gets better. Skills inventory management strategies are giving managers and employees the ability to verify the skills needed to ensure success, pinpoint skills gaps before they compromise the initiative, and improve skills to meet changing needs. Online Measurement System Pinpoints Skills Gaps That Could Affect an Initiative While many new initiatives make strategic sense at the executive level, companies have struggled to find ways to ensure that those initiatives survive the challenges of execution. Namely, they have sought effective tools for gauging skills requirements and for measuring and comparing the skills of current employees against those requirements.
A skills inventory management system, backed by objective skills metrics, gives decision makers the data they need. How does it work? The process is simple. A skills inventory begins with a skills measurement system that enables employees to access online skills assessments through the com-pany intranet. When a company implements a new technology, for example, managers may have their employees take a test for skills related to that technology. The online system delivers scores immediately, with results that show whether the company has the skills for that new initiative, or whether there is a skills gap that needs to be addressed before the initiative is launched.

Sunday, 1 September 2013

what is research gaps ?

Research gaps
If you are working on original research, you will want to identify a need for your research somewhere close to the beginning of your paper. Why? Because you will want to show the reader that you are not duplicating existing research.In other words: this paper is worth reading! This is best done by surveying the current research and then identifying a gap that you are going to fill.  

A common sequence for introductions in an academic journal article is- 

1. Establish the field: Identify the broad problem and state its importance.
2. Summarize previous research: State what is significant in what has already been written.
3. Create a research space: Describe the gap you propose to fill in the existing research literature. This then creates an opportunity for you to make a contribution to the research in the area.
4. Introduce your research project: Establish your research thesis or questions.
(The above headings derive from a scheme proposed by Swales, 1981, quoted in Bruce, 1995).

In the following example notice how the writer pays a complement to existing work ('There have been a number of valuable studies of self-employment...') and then identifies the gap ('However, none of these studies provides...')
Research Gap identified: A study of the changes over the last decade.

There have been a number of valuable studies of self-employment using cross-section data (Rees and Shah, 1986; Blanch flower and Oswald, 1993; Taylor, 1996), all of which present evidence on a number of employment and personal characteristics on the sector. However, none of these studies provides a picture of the changes over the last decade or forecasts the trends in self-employment as the recession of 1990 took hold.

Research Gap identified: The effects of pit closure on women's lives.

While there has been some research on the general impact of female unemployment (Coyle,1984; Popay,1985), little has been written about the effects of pit closure on women's lives.